Friday, July 19, 2024

Third Shift Society by Meredith Moriarty

Reviewed by Jeanne

Ellie is not having a good day.  Bills are due, well, okay PAST due, the landlady wants the rent, and when she goes into work, she finds she is now unemployed.  Desperate, she tries her hand at several jobs and manages to fail spectacularly.  As Ellie says, “Why am I so bad at adulthood?”

Her day may not get worse but it is about to get weirder.  As she walks down an alley, there’s a guy who looks as if he’s wearing a jack-o’-lantern for a head being attacked by some sort of dog thing with horns and a mane.  Impulsively, Ellie leaps in to help—and suddenly there’s blue fire coming from her hands.  Together they manage to subdue the dog/lion whatever and Ellie gets a job offer as a paranormal investigator.

And by the way, his head IS a pumpkin. And his name is Ichabod.

That’s the opening sequence for Third Shift Society, a graphic novel that began life as a web-comic.  Meredith Moriarty, Eisner Award nominee, does both the art and the script.  Ellie is definitely in for the ride of her life as she meets other supernatural beings, friendly or not, and helps Ichabod solve cases.  The artwork is wonderful, very expressive and vivid. I liked both the style and the color palette.   The characters are well developed, especially Ellie who is an appealing heroine:  brave and impulsive, but with a good heart. This is probably a good place to mention that she’s also a bit gullible. It’s very easy to get drawn into this world of curses, vampires, demons, and things that go bump in the night.

More and more web-comics are making the leap into print, and I definitely approve.  I now have several favorites which began life online such as Breaking Cat News, Swan Eaters, and Lore Olympus.  I had never heard of this particular web-comic until the book came out but I have now become a fan.  A second volume is in the works and I’ll look forward to reading it.

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