Monday, January 23, 2023

The Rewind by Allison Winn Scotch


Reviewed by Christy

            It's December 1999, and Frankie and Ezra are headed back to their old stomping grounds to celebrate the wedding of two college friends. But not together. They will actually be delighted if they can avoid each other for the entirety of the festivities. Ever since their messy, messy breakup on graduation day ten years prior, they each desperately try not to think of the other. When they wake up the morning of New Year's Eve in bed together and wearing wedding rings, they realize their mission to ignore each other has failed spectacularly. The clock is ticking down to ceremony time (and the new millennium!), and they would really like to figure out just exactly what went down.

            This premise sounded so fun but I have to admit the first half really dragged for me. Two people I don't know all that well (and don't particularly like) constantly sniping at each other? Not enjoyable. I debated dropping it all together, but the second half did pick up when more of their backstory was slowly revealed. Unfortunately, that couldn't save it for me. The writing was just fine but I never could get over the initial hurdle of disliking them. There’s a thin line between witty banter and sniping, and most of their interactions fell in the latter category. The bitterness made more sense as I learned more about them as a young couple but by then I literally had 11% left in the book. (Thank you, Kindle, for letting me know this!) If the book was front-loaded with this information, I might've been more understanding and empathetic to their situation from the start. As it was, there were brief glimpses of emotions I could connect to, and for those I was appreciative. But maybe the format of periodic flashbacks does this story a disservice. I think there is a better book in here somewhere, one where the readers care about the characters early on, and not when the book is almost over. But even then, I had a hard time figuring out what these people saw in each other.

            If you like the Second Chance Romance trope and a little 90s nostalgia, this may be worth checking out for you. But I think you can find more likable versions elsewhere.


**I received an eARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

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