Monday, July 18, 2022

We Have Always Been Here by Lena Nguyen

 We have always been here

Reviewed by Christy

            Dr. Grace Park is a psychologist who prefers the company of artificial intelligence over humans. On board a ship headed to explore the icy planet Eos, Park is tasked with checking in on the crew to make sure their mental health is stable. The crew resents her prying questions, not to mention her apparent allegiance with the androids onboard. After the ship is stuck in a radiation storm, the crewmembers start to have waking nightmares while the androids begin to behave strangely. Something unusual is happening, and Park tries to figure out what it is.

            The premise for this book intrigued me. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy it much. It is very slowly paced, to the point I struggled picking it back up. There just wasn’t really much here to grab me. Sometimes a slow novel works if you care deeply about the characters but that wasn’t the case here. It had a lot going on while simultaneously it felt like very little happened. I can’t say it was a badly-written book; it was just very Not for Me, and I cannot recommend it.

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