Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nevermore: Bunker Hill, Stranger In a Strange Land, Where You Can Find Me & Weird Things Customers Say

Jud opened the Nevermore Book Club by reading some excerpts from Weird Things Customers Say in Bookstores by Jen Campbell, such as “I really enjoyed Anne Frank’s first book.  Did she write a sequel?” or “Did Charles Dickens ever write anything fun?”  Much laughter ensued, getting the meeting off to a rousing start.

The next book up was Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick which was described as “delightful.”  Philbrick examines a critical time in American history, showing the reader that events are not nearly as predictable as many of our history books would have us believe.  He really brings events to life, showing who we are as a country and how we got there. Just as he did with Mayflower and The Last Stand, Philbrick brings a fresh perspective and insights to events in a way that’s both enlightening and entertaining.

Another Nevermore member has decided to read some classic science fiction.  He’s currently working his way through Robert Heinlein’s classic Stranger in a Strange Land.  It’s the story of a young man, the last survivor of an expedition to Mars.  Raised by Martians, Valentine Michael Smith has no concept of what human society is like; he’s never even seen a woman.  Our reviewer enjoyed it even though it’s more social commentary instead hard science.

Where You Can Find Me by Sheri Joseph is a novel about a kidnapped child who is returned to his family after three years.  Desperate to try to rebuild the family away from the sensationalist press, his mother takes Caleb and his younger sister to Costa Rica where her mother-in-law lives.  Our reviewer thought it was emotionally tough to read at times but it’s also alternately suspenseful and moving.

The Nevermore Book Club meets every Tuesday at 11:00 AM in the Frances E. Kegley Conference Room on the upper floor.  Blackbird Bakery supplies us with fabulous doughnuts and the library supplies the coffee!

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